Coffee and arthritis are two words you probably didn’t think go together. However, studies have shown that too much coffee can both lead to and exacerbate osteoarthritis. That may come as a shock to fans of coffee, but it’s unfortunately true.
Just how bad is coffee for arthritis? We will go over what the science says, followed by recommendations on what you can do to reduce flare-ups in your joints.

What the Science Says
There was a study done in 2000, published in the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, which uncovered a significant
connection between coffee and arthritis. In it, it was found that people who regularly drink coffee had a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. If you drink four cups of coffee or more every day, you have twice the chance to get
rheumatoid arthritis than those who drink less than that or not at all.
So, that seems to settle it. Coffee appears to lead to arthritis or make it worse, or does it? It seems that it depends. This is because a study done in 2005 by the Mayo Clinic found that people who already have psoriatic arthritis could safely drink coffee without getting flare-ups.
While this may seem hopeful for people who enjoy coffee and have psoriatic arthritis, those with rheumatoid arthritis are negatively affected by drinking too much coffee. These studies suggest that there is an ingredient in coffee that starts the process of developing arthritis. This means that coffee can lead to the development of arthritis. Additionally, it can make already-existing osteoarthritis even worse.
With two studies of over 25,000 people confirming this to be the case, you should either reduce or eliminate your coffee intake. Of course, it can be easier said than done. However, the science is quite clear about the link between coffee and arthritis. This means you will have to make some lifestyle choices if you want to continue to enjoy several cups of coffee a day.

What You Can Do
Arthritis Foundation officially recommends drinking coffee in moderation if you feel like you must get your daily fix. This usually means stopping at one cup of coffee. You get to enjoy a cup of coffee still, but without the expense of inflaming your joints.
If you still want to enjoy coffee in the morning to start the day, you can do so without worrying that you will get achy joints. The key is to take a
joint supplement. When you take one, you will help your body reduce the inflammatory response it has to coffee. This is done by ingesting potent anti-inflammatories, like
turmeric and black pepper. It also includes the intake of antioxidants like resveratrol, along with type II collagen, which reduces pain and swelling.
You can make it easy on yourself and get all these in a supplement. A popular and effective supplement is
JointFuel360. Thanks to this supplement, you can say goodbye to joint pain, even if you still drink coffee. You can
soothe aching joints by taking JointFuel360, easing up any osteoarthritis symptoms you may have. You will want to stay smart about your coffee intake and avoid drinking too much.
Wrapping Up
Coffee is a beloved brew enjoyed by many around the world. It’s how many start their day and get the energy to get through it. You can cut your intake of coffee or even eliminate it. Also, you can take an all-natural joint supplement like
JointFuel360. Don’t wait until joint discomfort sets in. You can implement strategies for health and wellness over the long term. An active lifestyle, combined with a healthy diet and quality health
supplements is a great way to help you keep moving!
If you feel like you just can’t live without your coffee, you can rejoice that there is a way you can still have it every day. However, you should play it safe and
drink it moderately.
* These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.